By Jim Q. Griffin’55
Without a formal mission study, the Board has encouraged Ivy to adjust to an evolving University without altering our core values of an open, civil, safe and optimistic association.
Upon the admission of women and an increase in membership, we built a new wing for a second library and Great Hall using traditional materials and finishes and created a perfect complement to the 19th century gem of the original building. The combined structures highlight the continuity of old to new and recognize that undergraduates increasingly study and compute at Ivy far more than in prior generations.
Our undergraduates are looking beyond the campus as Ivy expands our weekly roundtable dinners, our unique leadership series, the entrepreneur programs and crews at Henley. Ivy continues to attract our fair share of the best the University has to offer. An able eclectic membership in itself provides a challenge to each student; peers can be as daunting as faculty.
Ivy continues the “ten card” bicker system which plays a vital role in creating the chemistry underlying our vitality and for many, provides one of life’s building blocks.
We are part of a unique Princeton commonwealth as we strive to help in the mystery of developing the whole individual.