About The Ivy Club

Each winter, following an interview process known as bicker, The Ivy Club invites a group of 72 Princeton sophomores to become members. This group from each class forms an Ivy Section. During their junior and senior years, these students take all of their meals at the Club and frequent it for relaxation, study, and socializing with their fellow members and guests. In addition, Ivy offers a number of educational programs during the academic year.

As might be expected at an eating club, meals at Ivy are important not only for their quality and variety, but for the opportunity they provide for social interactions that can lead to close, and in many cases, lifelong friendships. In the Club’s dining room (pictured at left), Ivy tradition dictates that each person will take the next available chair at the long tables to ensure that members get to know each other.

Membership in The Ivy Club continues for life, and graduate members are always welcome at the Club. Over its history of 140 years, only 4,300 Princetonians have been Ivy members, and there are now about 3,000 living graduates. Graduate and undergraduate members belong to Ivy, but more importantly, Ivy belongs to them. Their loyalty and support over many decades have kept the Club’s spirit and fabric strong.

All Princeton sophomores are welcome to bicker at Ivy.

Graduate Member Dues and Contributions Ivy alumni support the Club through their graduate dues. The Ivy Club is a non-profit 501(c)(7) association that owns the premises of 43 Prospect Avenue and provides meals and other services to its members.