By Dominic Moross ’90

Our club has been buzzing with activity over the past six months. The bicker committee once again did tremendous work, admitting 8 new members this fall. Currently we have 148 undergraduate members, 28% of whom are international students. Under the capable leadership of Undergraduate President Folasade Runcie, the officers have taken the reins and are helping to build on the significant progress we made last year. Amongst other things, they are further developing our leadership forum with a host of impressive speakers. The undergraduate members, eager to have more substantial and regular interactions with graduate members, have started an Alumni Relations Committee. Their recent creative initiatives have been Ivy Spotlight, a semi-annual newsletter that will feature current undergraduate members, and Career Night, which gives undergraduate members the chance to meet and learn from the professional experiences of graduate members. 

With the help of board member Shea Owens ’94 and Director of Member Services Julia Wilson ’11, our dynamic Leadership Committee hosted Ivy graduate member Pete Austin ’93, senior broadcast producer at Good Morning America. Pete regaled his audience with memories of Ivy and stories about his career path, as well as sharing his thoughts on journalism in the current political environment and the role of digital media in the age of information (and misinformation). We were also pleased to host Margaret Crotty, Ivy ’94, Executive Director of Partnership with Children, a non-profit that provides critical counseling and intervention services for 17,000 students in all 5 boroughs of NY. As the non-profit sector has been somewhat under-represented in our leadership forums, Margaret’s talk was most welcome and well-attended by both Ivy and non-Ivy members. 

A highlight of the Club’s social calendar was our inaugural Parents Weekend, which took place in October. We hosted over 80 parents who flew in from all over the US and abroad. Betty and Chef Jean worked together to mastermind a remarkable evening. It was a most happy and enriching evening for parents and children alike. I very much enjoyed meeting many new faces, all of whom were thrilled to attend the dinner and, indeed, to be given a historical tour of the club by Treasurer Corbin Miller ’71. The prevailing question of the evening was why we have never done such an evening before. Rest assured, Parents Night will be an annual fixture going forward! 

I must, once again, compliment Chef Jean on having lifted our culinary bar, which she continues to raise. This was exemplified by our annual Oktoberfest dinner which received the accolade of having the best food on the Street. We anticipate a similar outstanding reception to our upcoming Homecoming and Casino Nights. 

For some time, we have been the only eating club to house a resident security manager who provides oversight throughout the year. In September, Paul Casey, a 2014 graduate of Ithaca College and volunteer assistant coach of Men’s Lightweight Rowing under Coach Marty Crotty, moved into the Club in this role. Paul has quickly become a wellliked and respected role model for our members. 

In line with the University’s focus to support students needing financial aid, Ivy has led the way for some time, partly subsidizing the dues payments of 10-12 members annually through our 1879 Foundation. This year we provided assistance to a record 19 members, a significant increase of which we should all be proud. I am very pleased to welcome Holly Sanderson Schade ’91 p’20 as a new Trustee of the 1879 Foundation. Holly is the former Executive Director of Princeton in Africa and brings a wealth of valuable non-profit experience to our Foundation, which we continue to build into a cornerstone of Ivy’s future. 

As the festive season approaches, I wish you all a very happy holiday and, as always, encourage you to visit your club whenever you are on campus. If you would like to participate in any alumni functions to meet the undergraduate members, please do not hesitate to be in touch with Julia Wilson ( 

All the best,
Dominic Moross ’90